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ValSource Viewpoints

Tune in to our podcast as ValSource experts explore the latest developments and insights within pharmaceutical, advanced therapy medicinal products, biologics and medical device regulated industries.

ValSource Viewpoints

Metrology & Calibration

Metrology & Calibration Services

In this episode, ⁠ValSource⁠ Director of Learning ⁠Jim Vesper⁠, PhD, speaks with Director of Metrology & Calibration⁠ Andrew Hooper⁠ about ValSource’s Metrology & Calibration Services.

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Procurement and Expediting

Introducing EPREX – ValSource’s Equipment/Services, Procurement and Expediting partner

In this episode, ValSource Director of Learning Solutions ⁠Jim Vesper,⁠ PhD, speaks with⁠ EPREX ⁠Director ⁠John Molaskey⁠. Tune in to learn more about how ValSource's women-owned equipment/services procurement and expediting partner can help with cost savings and efficiency.

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Meeting Reflections

Reflections on the 2024 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference

ValSource Director of Learning Solutions Jim Vesper, PhD, and Senior Consultant Fred Ayers discuss this year's PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference.

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Meeting Reflections

Reflections on the 2024 PDA/FDA Regulatory Conference

In this podcast, ValSource Director of Learning and Training Jim Vesper, PhD speaks with Business Unit Manager Kelly Waldron, PhD and Consultant Heather Hafer-DeMilto about their experiences at the 2024 PDA/FDA Regulatory Conference.

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The importance of Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)

In this episode, ⁠ValSource⁠ Director of Learning ⁠James Vesper⁠, PhD, speaks with Regional Manager John Sorrentino⁠ about the importance of Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) in the pharmaceutical and biopharma industries.

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Safety Solutions

A Safety Solutions Success Case

Part Three of ValSource Viewpoint’s special safety-focused podcast series. In this episode, Director of Learning Jim Vesper, PhD, speaks with Senior Safety Consultant Art Limper and partner technology company PIMSHQ’s COO John Moehnke about a safety solutions success case.

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Safety Solutions

Leveraging Technology for a More Effective Safety Program

Part two of a special safety-focused podcast series. In this episode, Director of Learning, Jim Vesper, PhD, talks with John Moehnke from our partner software company, PIMSHQ, about the important role that technology plays in supporting an effective safety program.

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Safety Solutions

Building an Effective and Engaged Safety Culture in the Construction Industry

This episode is part one of a safety-focused series. ValSource Senior Safety Consultant Art Limper, known for his career enhancing safety protocols and promoting best practices across all aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing and operations, discusses what it takes to create a successful safety program. Limper has been a key contributor to ValSource Safety Solutions, a comprehensive program combining ValSource consulting services and resources with PIMSHQ’s innovative PIMS Safety software. 

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Meeting Reflections

Reflections on the 2024 PDA Annual Meeting

In this episode, ValSource Director of Learning ⁠Jim Vesper⁠, PhD, and Senior Consultant ⁠Amanda McFarland⁠, join ⁠PDA ⁠Chief of Staff ⁠Tita Tavares⁠ to discuss their reflections on the 2024 PDA Annual Meeting. Topics covered include new additions to the format, favorite sessions, and the overarching theme of innovation.

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Annex 1

Annex 1: What’s Been Happening?

In this podcast, Jim Vesper speaks with four ValSource Consultants who have been presenting at or attending Annex 1 workshops across the U.S., Europe and Asia. Tune in for insights from industry experts Amanda McFarland, Fred Ayers, Kim Sobien and James Wamsley.

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ATMP/CGT Contamination Control Strategies

This is the 5th episode in our series focused on Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMPs) that include cell and gene therapies. Specifically, we'll be discussing ATMP/CGT and Contamination Control strategies. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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ATMPs: Third Parties

In the 4th episode in our series focused on Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMPs) that include cell and gene therapies, we'll be discussing ATMP/CGT and working with third parties. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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ATMPs: Regulations & Expectations

Continue the ATMP discussion with our experts. This episode is focused on working with third parties, what regulations and expectations are out there now, and what might be coming around the corner. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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ATMPs: Phase Appropriate Quality Systems

Listen & Learn - ValSource experts explore Phase Appropriate GMPs as they apply to Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products or ATMPs. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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ATMP, Cell & Gene Therapies Series Introduction with Jim Vesper

Meet the Experts! The first episode in the Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products or ATMPs series, including Cell & Gene Therapies. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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Updates to ICH Q9 R1: Quality Risk Management Guidelines

Important Announcement — The International Council for Harmonization (ICH) issued a revision of the Q9 guideline for risk management. ValSource consultants specialize in risk management. Tune into our new podcast to hear from three of them — Amanda McFarland, M.Sc. Senior Consultant, Beth Fulton, M.S. QRM Consultant, and Patrick Mains, PMP, Senior Consultant as they discuss significant changes that are in the R1 version of Q9.

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Annex 1

Annex 1: Airflow Visualization Studies

In this podcast Jim Vesper is talking with two ValSource experts involved with airflow visualization studies – otherwise known as “Smoke Studies”. Two colleagues are Walter Henkels and James Walmsley.

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Annex 1

The Role of Training in Annex 1 with James Wamsley

Tune in to our newest Annex 1 podcast episode, The Role of Training in Annex 1. In this podcast, host Jim Vesper talks with one of our ValSource consultants who has a strong background in training, James Wamsley. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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Annex 1

The Role of QRM in Annex 1 with Kelly Waldron, Tiff Baker, & Amanda McFarland

Continue listening to our newest podcast series on Annex 1! In this episode, host Jim Vesper and experts discuss The Role of QRM in Annex 1. Featured speakers include ValSource senior consultants Kelly Waldron, Tiff Baker, and Amanda McFarland. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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Annex 1

Annex 1 & PDA Meetings with Hal Baseman, Amanda McFarland, & Ryan Murray

Tune in to our new podcast episode — Annex 1 & PDA Meetings. In this podcast, we’re talking with several ValSource consultants who have been involved in two PDA workshops on Annex 1. This first workshop was held in Dallas following the PDA’s annual meeting the first week of April with the second one in Dublin in May. Featured speakers include host Jim Vesper, director of Learning Solutions at ValSource, Ryan Murray, ValSource Consultant, Amanda McFarland, ValSource Senior QRM and Microbiology Consultant and Hal Baseman, a recognized industry expert on aseptic processing and a principal at ValSource. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning:

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Annex 1

Annex 1 & FDA with Steve Langille, Jessica Chiaruttini, and Christine Craig

In this podcast, host Jim Vesper talks with three ValSource consultants who all have had experience working at US FDA and are microbiologists by training — Steve Langille, Jessica Chiaruttini, and Christine Craig. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your #Annex1 planning:

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Annex 1

It’s Here! Launching Annex 1 with Kelly Waldron, Ryan Murray, Amanda McFarland, & Hal Baseman

Listen to the second episode of our Annex 1 podcast series on Launching Annex 1. Featured speakers include host Jim Vesper, director of Learning Solutions at ValSource, Kelly Waldron Ph.D. ValSource Business Unit Manager - Quality and Manufacturing Science, Ryan Murray, ValSource Consultant, Amanda McFarland, ValSource Senior QRM and Microbiology Consultant, and Hal Baseman, a recognized industry expert on aseptic processing and a principal at ValSource. Listen to ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Music, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning at

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Annex 1

Revisions to Annex 1: Why? with ValSource’s Jim Vesper & Hal Baseman

ValSource Viewpoints is back with a new Annex 1 #podcast series! Listen to the first episode in the series concerning the revision to Annex 1, which is the European Medicine Agency’s requirements for producing sterile medicinal products. Featured ValSource team members include Jim Vesper, director of Learning Solutions at ValSource, and Hal Baseman, a recognized industry expert on aseptic processing and a principal at ValSource. Listen to ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Music, & Google Podcasts. Learn more about how ValSource can support your Annex 1 planning at

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Reflections from the PDA ATMP/CGT October 2021 Conference

Continue listening to our podcast series focused on Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMPs), including cell and gene therapies. Today’s topic is a look-back at the October 2021 ATMP/CGT meeting hosted by the PDA - Parenteral Drug Association – with our panel of experts Darius Pillsbury, Kelly Waldron, PhD, and Virginia Andreotti-Jones.

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ATMP/CGT Contamination Control Strategies

This is the 5th episode in our series focused on Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMPs) that include cell and gene therapies. Specifically, we'll be discussing ATMP/CGT and Contamination Control strategies. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. To learn more about how ValSource can support you, visit

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ATMPs Third Parties

In the 4th episode in our series focused on Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMPs) that include cell and gene therapies, we'll be discussing ATMP/CGT and working with third parties. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. To learn more about how ValSource can support you, visit

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On ATMPs: Regulations and Expectations

Continue the ATMP discussion with our experts. This episode is focused on working with third parties, what regulations and expectations are out there now, and what might be coming around the corner. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. To learn more about how ValSource can support you, visit

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On ATMPs: Phase Appropriate Quality Systems

Listen & Learn - ValSource experts explore Phase Appropriate GMPs as they apply to Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products or ATMPs. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. To learn more about how ValSource can support you, visit

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ATMP, Cell & Gene Therapies Series Introduction

Meet the Experts! The first episode in the Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products or ATMPs series, including Cell & Gene Therapies. You can tune into ValSource Viewpoints on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & Google Podcasts. To learn more about how ValSource can support you, visit

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Annex 1 revision experts.

Our consultants are highly-recognized for their Annex 1 knowledge and expertise. We provide a plan forward through Annex 1 updates, today and into the future.